stored logic

英 [stɔːd ˈlɒdʒɪk] 美 [stɔːrd ˈlɑːdʒɪk]

网络  存储逻辑



  1. Using SQL stored procedures is the best way to encapsulate the business logic of administrative applications because it minimizes the amount of code that developers need to write.
  2. These objects are tables containing authentication information and stored procedures that encapsulate the server logic to operate on the database tables.
  3. However, they can be resolved if you embed the INSERT statements above in an SQL stored procedure with a little extra logic.
  4. IBM solidDB Universal Cache also supports stored procedures, triggers, and events, enabling IBM solidDB Universal Cache to execute business logic in the in-memory cache.
  5. Stored procedures are often used to consolidate and centralize logic that was originally implemented in applications.
  6. Triggers can also invoke DB2 stored procedures and user-defined functions, which are themselves other ways of encapsulating logic in the form of DB2 objects.
  7. Rules are stored outside of application logic, making it easy for a business person to add or modify the rules while not taking the system offline.
  8. You will notice that exposing stored procedures as Data Web Services alone does not provide client-side application logic that is required to run these Web services in a business context.
  9. In this case, either do not use stored procedure, or execute part of the logic in the client side and execute the rest in a stored procedure.
  10. When WebSphere InterChange Server V4.2 uses cross-referencing to synchronize keys in various applications, it uses DB2 stored procedures to actually implement the logic.
  11. Additionally, external stored procedure programs can reuse existing business logic by calling existing applications as subprograms.
  12. The data of overlapped characters and pictures are stored in the ROM of FPGA, the times are generated by FPGA inner logic circuit to control the switch of TV channels to finish the overlapping work.
  13. And the methods of syntax debugging, logic debugging and the significant steps to ensure the correct operation of the stored procedure in debugging are expounded. There are three methods in logic debugging which includes inserting test table, DBMS_OUTPUT and PL/ SQL debugger.
  14. Presents a design and implement of common, dynamic tree structure. In this scheme, data is stored in database, the design of business logic is referenced from MVC pattern, and multi-tiers B/ S framework is used.
  15. By using stored logic, a hardware method is implemented for sine wave generation by superposition of 18 step pulses.
  16. The data sent to different output ports are stored in the form of "group", and the control logic dynamic allocates buffer resources according to the data size in various" group ".